Tuesday 21 January 2014

WEEK 3: Kelly Rowland's Sexy Abs Cardio Sculpt Bootcamp Challenge


Allow yourself to enjoy the journey! If you complete 2-3 workouts a week and learn 1-2 nutrition tips to add to your weekly regimen then you are doing a great job!
When it comes to healthy living you never stop learning! Every day, every meal & every workout is an opportunity to learn something new to help your body function at it’s best! Peep this week’s Sexy Abs Cardio Sculpt Bootcamp Challenge schedule below!

Monday - Cardio & Core
Walk, Jog, Run 3miles with 5 – 30sec Sprints & Sexy Abs with Kelly Rowland DVD Love Handles, 6 Pack & Sculpt Chapters
Today we’re increasing the intensity of your walk/jog/run with 5 sets of 30-second sprints!
Nutrition Tip: Fiber helps slow down the absorption of sugar to help you maximize your fat burning & it helps you feel full & satisfied. Daily Fiber intake: Age 50 & younger 25grams women & 38grams men.  Age 51 & older 21grams women & men 30grams.

Tuesday - Resistance & Cardio
Sexy Abs Cardio Sculpt with Kelly Rowland DVD & Jeanette Jenkins or your favorite Interval workout
Change occurs outside of your comfort zone. If your workout doesn’t feel challenging then don’t expect it to change your body. Exercise of the day! Ballerina Twist/Sumo Squat with a Twist! Try it!

Wednesday - Cardio & Core
Cardio Kickboxing DVD (Chapters 1-4) [40min] & Sexy Abs with Kelly Rowland (Tone, Define & Burn Chapters) [12min]
Today is Healthy Smoothie or Healthy Juice Wednesday! An easy way to load up on your fresh fruits & vegetables is to throw them in a blender or juicer and make a delicious drink loaded with nutrients! Post your healthy smoothie or juice and tag us with #SexyAbsCardioSculpt & #QLChallenge we want to see your amazing creations!

Thursday - Total Body Resistance Interval Training
Sexy Abs Cardio Sculpt with Kelly Rowland DVD or your favorite interval training workout that combines cardio and resistance (strength) training
Nutrition Tip: The average American consumes 3,436mg of sodium a day & 400,000 deaths a year are attributed to high blood pressure. Try to lower your sodium intake to 1500mg of sodium/day by increasing your fresh whole foods & decreasing your processed foods.

Friday - Flexibility Training
Power Yoga DVD or Stretch-It-Out DVD or your favorite Yoga Class
Stretching, meditation & deep breathing helps your body de-stress. Take the time to practice these skills that help you relax.
Exercise of the day! Try Pigeon pose from yoga which helps open up the hips and decrease your risk of lower back pain.

Saturday - Feed Your Soul!
Do the workout that is going to make you feel GREAT!
Visualize yourself achieving your goals. The mind is powerful, what you think, you become.

Sunday - Rest, Relax & Recover!
Do something that helps you relax and rejuvenate for the week ahead!
It’s time to plan your workouts & healthy meals for the week ahead! Failing to plan is planning to fail.

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