Friday 25 October 2013


Who is a strange woman?
 A strange woman has the spirit of antichrist.
A strange woman is idolatrous, a goddess, and a heathen
A strange woman is adulterous, a seducer, and sexual pervert.
A strange woman has idolatrous family background.

A strange woman has loose morals, she may look outwardly beautiful, but her heart is full of seduction, her smiles    are deceitful and her thoughts are wicked.
  A strange woman is full of evil, greedy, a traitor and deadly
 A strange woman is full of deceit. She pretends to love her husband, but she is actually conspiring with his      enemies for his destruction
 A strange woman is the enemy within, possessed with evil powers
  A strange woman may have a sweet name, but her kiss is poison.
  A strange woman is the path to destruction.
     Strange woman are enchanters who are unrelenting until they succeed in ensnaring their pre
A strange woman is the alluring women we meet on the street, that end up displacing the legal wives within a short time.
A strange woman is a parasite, and once she sees nothing else to suck she takes off to look for another victim.
A strange woman is the daughter of Babylon, the emissary of Satan, and an ambassador for the destruction of  men.
A strange woman is the path to hell.

How can a person avoid strange women?
1.       Through self determination and self willed. Joseph firmly decided in his heart that he would not commit sexual sin and God helped him.

2.       Through violent resistant. Strange women are desperate; therefore you must also be desperate in your will to resist them. Joseph as a desperate Saint. He freed himself from the grip of a strange woman, left behind his clothing, and ran for his salvation.

3.       You must be able to pay a price and make sacrifices for your uncompromising holiness. At times these strange women may be your boss or a person placed in higher positions that you, who may be in a position to dispense favours.You must be able to shun the lucre of fornication and pay the sacrifices that may arise.

4.       Remained prayerful, seek the counsel of others and invite others to intercede for you in prayers. If Esau had sought the counsel of his parents, he would not have married the daughters of Hittites. If Samson had listened to the advice of his parent he would not have married from an idolatrous family of Sidonians. If David had been prayerful, he would have had divine strength to overcome the spirit of lust. Solomon forgot God and fell into sexual and other sins.

5.       Be attached to God and the spirit through fellowship with the brethren and reading the Bible. The Holy Spirit will always warn you if you are about to take a wrong step. Faith comes by hearing the word of God.

6.       Avoid situations and environments that influence you to strange relationships. These include worldly parties, pubs, and ungodly social gatherings.

7.       Be choosy in the type of friends you maintain. Many have been influenced into bad habits under peer pressure. If all your friends are having an affair or a polygamist, then you are likely to end up being one.

8.       Don’t keep evil secrets. Expose and flee from any appearance of evil. Don’t encourage yourself in ungodly relationships. Immediately you notice undue favours from the opposite sex, inform people around. Strange women do not like their affairs to be known to people. If you also notice that you are being troubled by the spirit of lust, fast and pray and encourage the brethren to pray for you. Lastly, if you naturally develop an attraction for a strange woman, don’t keep it secret, otherwise it will become depend. Inform good counselors about this, and they will keep watch over you to ensure you are not consumed by passion. Evil thrives in secrecy.

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