Sunday 19 January 2014

Juan Pablo Galavis Says Gay People Shouldn’t Be On “The Bachelor,” Kills My Girl Boner Forever

Hola, Juan Pablo: The New "Bachelor" Is Actually Someone I Want To Bang!

I was overjoyed when ABC picked Juan Pablo Galavis to be this season’s “Bachelor.” Finally, a “Bachelor” that I wanted to bang! But also, Juan Pablo seemed funny and sweet and charming, and his status as a single dad to an adorable daughter was pretty hot too. But in the first few episodes of this season, my affection for Juan Pablo started to wane; there was something unnecessarily judgmental about the way he gave Victoria the heave-ho when she got excessively drunk on a group date. While her behavior was embarrassing and uncalled for, and she and Juan Pablo were clearly incompatible, I didn’t think the emphasis on how she wouldn’t be a good influence on his daughter was necessary. I was starting to get the sense that Juan Pablo might hold some conservative beliefs that conflict with my own.
Turns out, he definitely does. In an interview with The TV Page, Galavis called gay people “more pervert in a sense,” and said he was against the show ever having an opening gay or bisexual contestant.
“I don’t think it is a good example for kids to watch that on TV. Obviously people have their husband and wife and kids and that is how we are brought up.  Now there is fathers having kids and all that, and it is hard for me to understand that too in the sense of a household having peoples… Two parents sleeping in the same bed and the kid going into bed… It is confusing in a sense.  But I respect them because they want to have kids.  They want to be parents.  So it is a scale… Where do you put it on the scale?  Where is the thin line to cross or not?  You have to respect everybody’s desires and way of living.  But it would be too hard for TV.”
You can listen to the whole interview below. Galavis, perhaps sensing that this POV might lead people to think he’s, you know, a homophobe, made sure to mention that he has gay friends and coworkers. When will people learn that the ol’ “I have _____ friends” doesn’t make your discriminatory beliefs any less discriminatory? Ugh. This definitely kills my girl boner for Juan Pablo. I guess it’s back to hate-watching “The Bachelor.” [The TV Page]

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