Tuesday, 17 December 2013

FIFPro demand transfer system overhaul

 FIFPro demand transfer system overhaul
The World Players' Union believes the current measures in place "fail 99 per cent of players around the world" and has launched a legal challenge against the system
FIFPro has launched a legal challenge against the football transfer system, claiming it impedes the freedom of players to move clubs.
The World Players' Union believes the current regulations on transfers leads to players' rights being "systemically disrespected".
FIFPro has put together what it describes as a "strategic plan to address the freedom of movement of workers within the EU, competition law and human rights" aimed at addressing the problem.
Among the rules that the organisation wants to challenge are "exorbitant" compensation packages and sporting sanctions involved in breaches and renewals of contracts respectively.
FIFPro president Philippe Piat said in a statement: "The transfer system fails 99 per cent of players around the world, it fails football as an industry and it fails the world's most beloved game.
"Football's governing bodies, clubs and leagues claim the transfer system is necessary to ensure competitive balance, whereby in fact it creates a spiral of economic and sporting imbalance, which only benefits the richest one per cent of clubs and player agents.
"Football players are workers and only when they are able to enjoy the rights enshrined in law and enjoyed by all other workers, will FIFPro be satisfied."
The organisation confirmed it will take the challenge to the European Commission, the European Court of Justice and human rights courts if necessary.
FIFPro also claim the game is heading for "self-destruction", with players not being paid on time and agent fees spiralling out of control.
FIFPro's Division Europe President, Bobby Barnes, added: “Despite football enjoying record amounts of revenue, football’s regulatory and economic system fails miserably on numerous fronts and drives the professional game towards self-destruction.
"Destruction through a systemic disrespect for those on the pitch. Destruction through a failure to achieve competitive balance and financial stability. Destruction through an absence of responsible governance, which invites criminals to abuse our game.
"Thousands of players worldwide are not paid on time, or not at all, while 28% of the global transfer market (an estimated 750 million USD annually) is paid to agents and lost to the game. Something is not right with this picture.”

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